2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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2020 VPBA Pool (language only)

Item C-53.60 #1c

Item C-53.60 #1c

Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay


Page 640, strike lines 11 through 41, and insert:

"B.1. The scope and title of the Department of General Services project to "Provide water infrastructure to state facilities in Nottoway County, Virginia" (194-18516), as previously authorized in Item C-67 of Chapter 1289 of the 2020 Acts of Assembly, and amended in Item C-78 of Chapter 1 of the 2023 Acts of Assembly Special Session I, is hereby amended and changed to "Replace water transmission line to state facilities in Nottoway County, Virginia (194-18516)". The scope of the project shall be to replace the main water transmission line and to explore increasing water capacity via wells to support the water needs of Piedmont Geriatric Hospital, the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (Phases 1 and 2), and Nottoway Correctional Center. The Department shall proceed expeditiously to satisfy the scope of the project as described.  

2. Funds appropriated to the 2022 Capital Supplement Pool in Item C-49 of this act and remaining from previous appropriation to the 2022 Capital Supplement Pool shall be used to support the cost of this project if needed beyond amounts originally assumed and available from the 2020 VPBA Capital Construction Pool to execute the project as described in paragraph B.1. of this item.

3. The Department is authorized to construct, provide, and improve infrastructure as necessary to implement the project, to acquire by purchase, gift, or power of eminent domain such lands, structures, rights-of-way, franchises, easements, and other interests in lands of any person, association, partnership, corporation, railroad, public service, public utility, municipality or political subdivision, all without obtaining the consent or permission of any locality or public body. Condemnation proceedings authorized by the preceding sentence shall be conducted, at the option of the Department, under the provisions of Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 of Title 25.1 of the Virginia Code. The ownership, construction, and operation of the infrastructure shall not be subject to any state or local permitting requirements or similar ordinances or regulations. Upon completion of construction, the Department is authorized to transfer ownership and/or operation of all or any part of the property to one or more locality, which shall not require the consent or permission of any locality or public body. The exercise of the power of eminent domain for the purposes provided herein shall be and is declared to be a public use of such property.

4. The Virginia Resources Authority (VRA) and the Department of Health (VDH) shall assist the Town of Crewe with exploring and evaluating funding options to upgrade, repair, or replace water infrastructure to increase water capacity, including but not limited to, identifying grants and revolving loans. Upon request, other state agencies shall provide assistance as needed to support this effort. No later than January 1, 2026, VRA and VDH shall provide information to the Chairs of House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees on the funding options for additional infrastructure upgrades needed to provide water for the Town of Crewe."


(This amendment amends the scope of the water project for three state facilities in Nottoway County to replace a water transmission line and the exploration of increasing water capacity by creating wells and provides supplemental funding to ensure completion of the project's scope as amended. This project was originally authorized and funded in the 2020 Virginia Public Building Authority Construction Pool.)