2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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DHRM: Oversight of State Health Plan (language only)

Item 75 #1c

Item 75 #1c

Administration of Health Insurance


Page 82, after line 12, insert:

"I.1. The Department of Human Resource Management shall establish a State Health Plan Advisory Council.  The Council shall be comprised of seven members that include: the Secretary of Administration, the Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, the Director of the Department of Human Resources Management, the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, the staff director of the House Appropriations Committee, and the staff director of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee.  Any member of the Council may send a designee in their place as a member of the Council.

2. The Council shall meet at least once each year to: (i) review the performance of the state health plans for the prior fiscal year including claims payments, cost drivers, and access to providers; (ii) review plan benefits and cost sharing provisions; and (iii) review growth in premiums and the financial status of Health Insurance Fund.  The Council shall annually make recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly regarding any changes to the state health plans."


(This amendment establishes an Advisory Council to oversee the state health plans.)