2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Biennial Review of Employee Compensation (language only)

Item 74 #2c

Item 74 #2c

Department of Human Resource Management


Page 80, after line 51, insert:

"K.1. As a part of the Department's biennial report on employee compensation, recruitment and retention pursuant to § 2.2-1202, Code of Virginia, the Director of the Department of Human Resource Management, with support from the Virginia Retirement System (VRS), shall include an evaluation of total compensation, including retirement benefits for law enforcement officers employed by the Commonwealth and covered under the VaLORS retirement system. The analysis shall consider (i) current levels of compensation and benefits, specifically access to hazardous duty plans relative to Virginia State Police and local police officers; (ii) recruitment and retention issues faced by these Departments caused by any differences in compensation and benefits identified in (i); and (iii) recommendations and the associated fiscal impact to change compensation and benefits.

2. Additionally, the Department and the VRS shall complete an analysis to determine whether the elimination of the traditional Virginia Retirement System defined benefit pension has affected the Commonwealth's ability to retain and recruit government employees and include their findings in the biennial report.

3. The Department shall separately solicit input from the Department of Education and the VRS on their assessments on whether the elimination of the traditional Virginia Retirement System defined benefit pension has affected the Commonwealth's ability to retain and recruit teachers. The Department shall submit this as a separate report at the same time as the biennial report referenced in paragraph K.1."


(This amendment sets outs several compensation concerns for inclusion in the Department's biennial report on employee compensation and adds an additional reporting regarding teacher compensation.)