2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Corrections Special Reserve Fund Deposit

Item 390 #2c

Item 390 #2c

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Corrections FY2025 $0 FY2026 $327,628 GF

Page 499, line 31, strike "$204,741,037" and insert "$205,068,665".

Page 502, line 38, strike "$987,368" and insert "$1,314,996".

Page 502, strike lines 43 through 47 and insert:

"1. House Bill 1583 and Senate Bill 1271 -- $50,000

2. House Bill 1597 and Senate Bill 1329  -- $50,000

3. House Bill 1607 and Senate Bill 1181 -- $50,000

4. House Bill 1660 and Senate Bill 886  -- $50,000

5. House Bill 1715 and Senate Bill 939  -- $50,000

6. House Bill 1726 and Senate Bill 757  -- $50,000

7. House Bill 1869 and Senate Bill 883 -- $50,000

8. House Bill 1876 and Senate Bill 1182  -- $50,000

9. House Bill 1977 and Senate Bill 1110 -- $50,000

10. House Bill 2014 and Senate Bill 844 -- $50,000

11. House Bill 2406 and Senate Bill 861 -- $50,000

12. House Bill 2485 and Senate Bill 970 -- $50,000

13. House Bill 2631 and Senate Bill 891 -- $50,000

14. House Bill 2657 and Senate Bill 746 -- $64,996

15. House Bill 1587 -- $50,000

16. House Bill 1998 -- $50,000

17. House Bill 2036 -- $50,000

18. House Bill 2123 -- $50,000

19. House Bill 2165 -- $50,000

20. House Bill 2241 -- $50,000

21. House Bill 2783 -- $50,000

22. Senate Bill 848 -- $50,000

23. Senate Bill 880 - $50,000

24. Senate Bill 881 -- $50,000

25. Senate Bill 1002 -- $50,000

26. Senate Bill 1272 -- $50,000".

Page 503, strike lines 1 through 8.


(This amendment provides $327,628 from the general fund the second year for the required deposit to the Corrections Special Reserve Fund, pursuant to § 30-19.1:4, Code of Virginia, for 26 sentencing bills which are projected to increase the number of state-responsible prison beds that will be required over the next six years.)