2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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HB 1834 - Transfer Responsibility for Small Dredging Projects

Item 373 #1c

Item 373 #1c

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Natural and Historic Resources
Marine Resources Commission FY2025 $0 FY2026 $4,000,000 NGF
FY2025 0.00 FY2026 1.00 FTE

Page 488, line 19, strike "$26,266,720" and insert "$30,266,720".

Page 489, after line 18, insert:

"G. 1. Out of amounts in this item, $4,000,000 the second year from amounts transferred to this item pursuant § 3-1.01 M. of this act, the Commission shall award a grant of funds to a qualified applicant or applicants to support a dredging project or projects that have been approved by the Commission. The source of the grant funds shall be the Virginia Waterway Maintenance Fund created pursuant to § 62.1-132.3:3. Applicants shall be limited to political subdivisions and the governing bodies of Virginia localities. The Commission shall develop guidelines establishing an application process as set out in Chapter 642, 2018 Session of the General Assembly. Projects for which the Commission may award grant funding include (i) feasibility and cost evaluations, pre-project engineering studies, and project permitting and contracting costs for a waterway project conducted by the Commonwealth; (ii) the state portion of a nonfederal sponsor funding requirement for a federal project, which may include the beneficial use of dredged materials that are not covered by federal funding; (iii) the Commonwealth's maintenance of shallow-draft navigable waterway channel maintenance dredging and the design, lease, or purchase of upland containment areas where the material can be selectively excavated and used beneficially for environmental restoration or for mitigation of coastal erosion; and (iv) the beneficial use, for environmental restoration and the mitigation of coastal erosion or flooding, of dredged materials from approved waterway dredging projects conducted by the Commonwealth. Special consideration shall be given to any locality which provides a three-to-one match for any requested funding.  Any funding remaining at the end of the fiscal year shall be carried forward for the same purpose.  

2. Out of the amounts in this paragraph, the Commission may use up to $150,000 each year for administration of the grant program."


(This amendment transfers the language and second year funding of $4.0 million from the nongeneral fund from the Port of Virginia to the Virginia Marine Resource Commission for administration of shallow water dredging projects pursuant to House Bill 1834 of the 2025 Session.)