2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Medicaid Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee Drug Recommendations (language only)

Item 288 #14c

Item 288 #14c

Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services


Page 368, line 31, strike "12", insert "16".

Page 368, line 33, after "department", insert:

"and shall include one physician or pharmacist from each contracted managed care organization"

Page 369, after line 37, insert:

"9. The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee shall ensure that when making recommendations to the Department of Medical Assistance Services related to any non opioid drug approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the treatment or management of pain, the drug shall be considered for safety and clinically efficacy, as supported by available clinical data, and cost effectiveness pursuant to 12VAC30-13-1000 of the Virginia Administrative Code.

10. Recommendations made by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee that result in changes to the Common Core Formulary shall not be implemented by the Department of Medical Assistance Services until a fiscal impact review is conducted by the agency's fiscal division and is reviewed by the Chief Financial Officer and the Director."


(This amendment adds language requiring the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee to ensure that any non opioid drug approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration shall be considered for safety and clinical efficacy and cost effectiveness pursuant to requirements set forth in the Virginia Administrative Code. Language is also added requiring the Department of Medical Assistance Services to conduct a fiscal impact review on recommendations from the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee that would result in changes to the program's Common Core Formulary. In addition, it requires that the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee include as part of its membership one physician or pharmacist from each contracted managed care organization.)