2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Medicaid Coverage: Inpatient & Residential Neurobehavioral/Neurorehabilitation Facility Services

Item 288 #13c

Item 288 #13c

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2025 $0 FY2026 $1,589,297 GF
FY2025 $0 FY2026 $3,080,226 NGF

Page 359, line 42, strike "$26,268,281,874" and insert "$26,272,951,397".

Page 393, after line 55, insert:

"OOOOO. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall seek the appropriate waiver authority for a demonstration project to add neurobehavioral and neurorehabilitation facilities to support 20 individuals with traumatic brain injuries and neurocognitive disorders by January 1, 2026. The neurobehavioral and neurorehabilitation facilities shall be considered as a specialized institutional placement for individuals with a traumatic brain injury diagnosis. The department shall set service definitions, administrative structure, eligibility criteria, eligibility and enrollment processes, and reimbursement rates required for administration of a program for such facilities. The department shall have authority to implement these changes prior to the completion of any regulatory process undertaken in order to effect such change."


(This amendment provides $1.6 million from the general fund and $3.1 million from nongeneral funds the second year to provide Medicaid coverage for neurobehavioral and neurorehabilitation facilities to support 20 individuals with traumatic brain injuries and neurocognitive disorders by January 1, 2026. Language provides for the adoption of emergency regulations to effect such change.)