2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Guidance for Modifying the Number of Regional EMS Councils (language only)

Item 272 #1c

Item 272 #1c

Health and Human Resources
Department of Health


Page 339, after line 12, insert:

"D1.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Board of Health shall not modify the geographic or designated service areas of designated regional emergency medical services councils without consulting relevant stakeholders, including existing regional councils, the Director of the Office of Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medical Services personnel, community leaders, and any other public, private, and volunteer agency relevant to the decision.

2. Prior to making any change to the boundaries of existing regional emergency medical services councils, the Board of Health shall notify the existing councils of the changes it seeks to make.

3. The Board of Health shall report annually by September 1 to the General Assembly on (i) the status of existing regional emergency medical services councils; (ii) any changes it plans on making to regional council boundaries; and (iii) the actions it has taken to gather stakeholder input before implementing any changes."


(This amendment provides language directing the Board of Health to consult with relevant stakeholders when deciding to modify the number of regional emergency medical services councils.)