2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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School Nurse Scholarships for LPNs to RNs (language only)

Item 271 #1c

Item 271 #1c

Health and Human Resources
Department of Health


Page 337, after line 55, insert:

"4. Of the appropriation in paragraph F.1., $300,000 the first year and $300,000 the second year from the general fund may be provided to create a scholarship to support licensed practical nurses serving as a school nurse or school nurse assistant to become a registered nurse, as funds are available. The department shall collaborate with the Department of Education in developing the scholarship program in accordance with the recommendations from the 2021 "Report of the Department of Education on School Health Personnel in Virginia Public Schools: Recommendations for Qualifications and Training". The program shall offer a scholarship, not greater than $10,000, for any licensed practical nurse currently serving as a Virginia school nurse to complete the training and education requirements to become a registered nurse in an approved education program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. For each year of the scholarship money received, the student must maintain employment as a school nurse and agree to engage in the equivalent of one year of full-time employment as a school nurse after graduation.  Full-time employment during school is not required and does not count towards the required one-year service obligation."


(This amendment allows $300,000 from the general fund each year of existing nursing scholarship funds to be used for school nurse scholarships to address the lack of access to Registered Nurses (RNs) in schools. The scholarship would help school-employed License Practical Nurses to become RNs and keep working as a school nurse who would then be able to provide a higher level of care and treatment after receiving additional training and education.)