2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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DOE - Math Initiative and Grant Program

Item 117 #1c

Item 117 #1c

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Department of Education, Central Office Operations FY2025 $11,000,000 FY2026 $1,000,000 GF
FY2025 0.00 FY2026 5.00 FTE

Page 140, line 39, strike "$169,062,783" and insert "$180,062,783".
Page 140, line 40, strike "$167,583,520" and insert "$168,583,520".

Page 148, after line 56, insert:

"F.1. Out of this appropriation, $11,000,000 the first year and $1,000,000 the second year from the general fund is provided to improve student performance in mathematics in public elementary and secondary schools in the Commonwealth.

2. The Department shall: (i) oversee and track mathematics instruction, assessment scores, and learning outcomes in the Commonwealth to identify potential areas for improvement; (ii) identify evidence-based best practices to improve mathematics instruction and student performance; (iii) establish and implement professional development for teachers and schools; (iv) administer state funds provided to school divisions as appropriate; (v) provide assistance to school administrators in the application for federal and state grant funds for mathematics improvement initiatives; (vi) collaborate with school boards and division superintendents to support the implementation of competency-based and evidence-based mathematics learning, provide recommendations on best practices, and facilitate professional development opportunities for educators; (vii) manage teacher training, professional development resources, and facilitate training programs for mathematics teachers; and (viii) analyze student mathematics progress, develop data collection methods, and evaluate program effectiveness.

3.a. The Department shall establish and oversee one or more Mathematics Advisory Task Forces to provide recommendations on improving mathematics education in elementary, middle, and high school. Task Force members shall include mathematics teachers, instructional coaches, school administrators, a division superintendent, a higher education representative, a school board member, and representatives from education interest groups.

b. The Task Forces shall: (i) review and recommend grade-appropriate high-quality instructional materials and curriculum for mathematics instruction and intervention programs; (ii) evaluate and recommend professional development for mathematics instruction; (iii) consider improvements to teacher education preparation programs to better prepare mathematics teachers; and (iv) other strategies to improve student performance in mathematics.

4.a. Of this amount, $10,220,000 the first year from the general fund is provided for grants to local school divisions for mathematics curriculum support and innovative strategies to improve student outcomes. Priority shall be given to schools with Standards of Learning (SOL) mathematics assessment pass rates in the bottom 25th percentile statewide and initiatives that implement evidence-based summer intervention programs for students with assessment scores demonstrating need, or enhance the ability of teachers to provide high-quality instruction in mathematics.

b. Any funds appropriated for this purpose that are unexpended by June 30, 2025, shall not revert and shall be reappropriated in the second year for the same purpose. The Department shall administer grant funds and establish guidelines and an application process by November 1, 2025.

5.a. In addition to the amounts provided in 4, the following amounts shall be allocated for specific programs: (a) $70,000 the first year from the general fund to support the development of online professional development for advanced mathematics instruction; (b) $500,000 the first year from the general fund to expand Virtual Virginia's capacity to provide advanced mathematics courses; and (c) $210,000 the first year and $60,000 the second year from the general fund to support the development of a microcredential program for mathematics specialists. Any funds appropriated for the programs in 5 that are unexpended by June 30, 2025, shall not revert and shall be reappropriated in the second year for the same purpose.

6. The Department shall report to the Board of Education and the Chairs of the Senate Finance and Appropriations, Senate Education and Health, House Appropriations, and House Education Committees by November 1, 2025, and annually thereafter on: (i) the quality and effectiveness of the initiative's efforts to improve mathematics education; (ii) the status of grant funds provided to school divisions and related outcomes; (iii) the impact of expanded Virtual Virginia mathematics course offerings; (iv) the effectiveness of professional development opportunities for mathematics instructors; (v) the activities and recommendations of the Mathematics Advisory Task Forces; and (vi) recommendations for future improvements to mathematics instruction and support programs."


(This amendment provides $11.0 million from the general fund the first year and $1.0 million from the general fund the second year and five positions to support the improvement of mathematics education and instruction in public schools in the Commonwealth, including one-time grant funds and the establishment of Mathematics Advisory Task Forces.)