2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Eviction Prevention and Expanded McKinney-Vento Services

Item 102 #9c

Item 102 #9c

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development FY2025 $1,500,000 FY2026 $0 GF

Page 108, line 25, strike "$335,850,885" and insert "$337,350,885".

Page 111, after line 47, insert:

"R. Out of the appropriation in this item, $1,500,000 the first year from the general fund is provided to the City of Portsmouth to support ForKids' expansion of eviction prevention programs and targeted support for McKinney-Vento children in Portsmouth, Chesapeake, and the surrounding areas. The amounts provided in this paragraph R. shall not revert to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year."


(This amendment provides $1.5 million from the general fund the first year to the City of Portsmouth to support ForKids eviction prevention services and target support for McKinney-Vento children in the Hampton Roads area.)