2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Committee Approved)

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Replacement Bill Drafting System (language only)

Item 6 #3h

Item 6 #3h

Legislative Department
Division of Legislative Services


Page 18, after line 7, insert:

“F.1. The replacement of the legacy legislative bill drafting system shall be completed by the Division of Legislative Automated Services (DLAS) as directed by, and subject to the approval of, the Director of the Division of Legislative Services (DLS) or their designee. DLAS shall provide DLS with a comprehensive status report on the replacement system's progress, capabilities, and implementation timeline no later than November 1, 2025. DLS, upon receipt and review of the status report, may opt to (i) continue with the replacement system as proposed and developed in-house by DLAS, (ii) coordinate with DLAS to contract with an outside vendor to complete the replacement, or (iii) proceed separately on procuring a replacement system through an independent vendor.  DLS will work collaboratively with House and Senate Clerk's Offices on the integration of the bill drafting system with e-filing, at an appropriate time, as determined by the new Legislative IT Oversight workgroup set out in Item 5 of this act. The House and Senate Clerks' Offices will determine how best to meet their functional requirements with e-filing, either through DLAS or independently.

2. In the event DLS chooses to proceed with the selection of an independent vendor in accordance with (ii) or (iii) in F.1. above, the Director of DLS or their designee shall have final approval of the selection of vendor and the terms of the contract including the scope of work. DLAS shall grant the vendor full access to both the replacement and legacy legislative bill drafting systems and shall cooperate fully as needed with any independent system procurement, development, implementation, and maintenance.  DLS is also hereby authorized to utilize available funds to support costs associated with system development and implementation.

3. Upon implementation of a replacement bill drafting system, whether developed in-house by DLAS or by an outside or independent vendor, DLAS shall be responsible for providing ongoing support, maintenance, and security of the system. DLAS shall cooperate fully with any vendor selected by DLS in accordance with (ii) or (iii) in F.1. above in providing such continued support, maintenance, and security. Any changes or improvements to the system must be completed at the direction of DLS, or must be approved by the Director of DLS or their designee if not made at the request of DLS.

4. The replacement legislative bill drafting system will be the property of DLS and the documents, materials, and intellectual property within the system over which DLS serves as custodian are also property of DLS."


(This language amendment provides guidelines regarding the replacement of the division's legacy bill drafting system.)