2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Committee Approved)

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Expand Mary Marshall Scholarship Program for Nurses (language only)

Item 271 #2h

Item 271 #2h

Health and Human Resources
Department of Health


Page 338, after line 24, insert:

"J. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH)  shall expand the Mary Marshall Scholarship Program to include humanitarian parolees as eligible participants. In addition, VDH shall expand the program to provide scholarships of up to 100 percent of the fees required to obtain a Credential Service Evaluation Profession Report and the English Language Proficiency Report for those individuals who graduated from a nursing education program in a foreign country as required by VDH prior to admission for licensure."


(This amendment directs the Virginia Department of Health to expand the Mary Marshall Scholarship Program to increase the number of nurses coming into the profession to address significant shortages, including allowing humanitarian parolees (foreign nationals who are allowed to enter the United States for urgent humanitarian reasons) as eligible participants and paying the fees for Virginians with a nursing degree from an international educational institution to be credentialed in order to practice.)