Item 267 | First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 |
Administrative and Support Services (79900) | $1,564,759 | $964,759 |
General Management and Direction (79901) | FY2025 $1,564,759 | FY2026 $964,759 |
Fund Sources: | ||
General | FY2025 $1,564,759 | FY2026 $964,759 |
Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 2; Article 6, and § 2.2-200, Code of Virginia.
A.1. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in collaboration with the Office of the Attorney General and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, shall present a six-year forecast of the adult offender population presently incarcerated in the Department of Corrections and approaching release who meet the criteria set forth in Chapter 863 and Chapter 914 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly, and who may be eligible for evaluation as sexually violent predators (SVPs) for each fiscal year within the six-year forecasting period. As part of the forecast, the secretary shall report on: (i) the number of Commitment Review Committee (CRC) evaluations to be completed; (ii) the number of eligible inmates recommended by the CRC for civil commitment, conditional release, and full release; (iii) the number of civilly committed residents of the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation who are eligible for annual review; and (iv) the number of individuals civilly committed to the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation and granted conditional release from civil commitment in a state SVP facility. The secretary shall complete a summary report of current SVP cases and a forecast of SVP eligibility, civil commitments, and SVP conditional releases, including projected bed space requirements, to the Governor and Senate Finance and Appropriations and House Appropriations Committees by November 15 of each year.
2. As part of the forecast process, the Department of Corrections shall administer a STATIC-99 screening to all potential Sexually Violent Predators eligible for civil commitment pursuant to § 37.2-900 et seq., Code of Virginia, within six months of admission to the Department of Corrections. The results of such screenings shall be provided to the commissioner of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) on a monthly basis and used for the SVP population forecast process.
3. The Office of the Attorney General shall also provide to the commissioner of DBHDS, on a monthly basis, the status of all SVP cases pending before their office for purposes of forecasting the SVP population.
B.1. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in collaboration with the Secretary of Administration and the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, shall convene an interagency workgroup to oversee the development of a statewide integrated electronic health record (EHR) system. The workgroup shall include the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), the Virginia Department of Health, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Planning and Budget, staff of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees, and other agencies as deemed appropriate by the respective Secretaries. The purpose of the workgroup shall be to evaluate common business requirements for electronic health records to ensure consistency and interoperability with other partner state and local agencies and public and private health care entities to the extent allowed by federal and state law and regulations. The goal of the workgroup is to develop an integrated EHR which may be shared as appropriate with other partner state and local agencies and public and private health care entities. The workgroup shall evaluate the DBHDS statement of work developed for its EHR system and the DBHDS platform for potential adaption and/or use by state agencies in order to develop an integrated statewide EHR.
2. The workgroup shall also maintain an implementation timeline, cost estimates, and assess other issues that may need to be addressed in order to implement an integrated statewide EHR system. The timeline and cost estimates shall be used by the respective agencies to coordinate implementation. The workgroup shall report on its activities and any recommendations to the Joint Subcommittee on Heath and Human Resources Oversight by November 1 of each year.
C.1. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall report to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees and to the Behavioral Health Commission by December 1, 2024 a plan detailing how funds appropriated during the 2023 and 2024 Sessions of the General Assembly shall be expended to expand and modernize the comprehensive crisis services system.
2. The plan shall include how funding for new crisis stabilization units and crisis receiving centers are being strategically deployed and the information provided shall include: (i) the unmet needs the new unit will address; (ii) the capacity of community services boards or private providers to staff the proposed unit; (iii) the unit's ability to serve individuals under a temporary detention order; (iv) the expected initial and ongoing costs of the proposed unit; and (v) the planned timeframe for when the unit would become operational.
D. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall report to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees and to the Behavioral Health Commission by December 1, 2024, on plans to implement the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) model in the Commonwealth, how adopting the CCBHC model could improve access to community-based behavioral health services and their quality, and barriers to implementation of the CCBHC model in the Commonwealth.
E. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall take an inventory of all call centers operated or contracted by agencies, including contracted Medicaid managed care organizations, in the Health and Human Resources Secretariat. Specifically, the inventory shall include for each call center: (i) the purpose of the call center; (ii) the annual contract amount and agency fund sources used to pay the contract; (iii) the term and expiration date of the contract; (iv) an assessment of any duplication between the call centers; and (v) any recommendations for potential consolidation. The Secretary shall report the detailed list of call centers with requested information by September 1, 2024, to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees.
F. Out of this appropriation, $100,000 the first year from the general fund shall be used by the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in collaboration with the Secretary of Education, to develop a plan for enhancing the collegiate experience for individuals with developmental disabilities. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, (i) a national inventory of post-secondary programs that focus on individuals with developmental disabilities; (ii) an examination of such programs operating in the Commonwealth; (iii) identifying best practices for incorporating functional academics, independent living, employment and social/leisure skills in a public university setting; (iv) recommendations for developing or enhancing such post-secondary programs in the Commonwealth; and (v) cost estimates for implementing all potential recommendations. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall report this plan to the Governor, and the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees by September 1, 2025.
G. Out of this appropriation, $500,000 the first year shall be used to conduct a media campaign focused on raising awareness of potentially life-threatening warning signs during and after a woman's pregnancy.