2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Committee Approved)

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SCHEV - Internships Business Participation Move to VEDP

Item 132 #3h

Item 132 #3h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia FY2025 $0 FY2026 ($6,000,000) GF

Page 218, line 2, strike "$50,037,467" and insert "$44,037,467".

Page 219, strike lines 25 though 58 and insert:

"I.1. As a condition of this appropriation, $12,000,000 the first year and $8,000,000 the second year from the general fund is designated for the Innovative Internship Fund and Program, § 23.1-903.4, Code of Virginia. The funding is designed to expand paid or credit-bearing student internship and other work-based learning opportunities in collaboration with Virginia employers. In furtherance of the goal of providing all postsecondary students in Virginia with one or more paid internships during their undergraduate course of study, funding shall be used for: (a) institutional grants to enhance engagement with employers related to internship placement and to assist students in securing and successfully completing internships, including students that traditionally do not participate in such programs; (b) administrative and other expenditures to accomplish the purposes of the Innovative Internship Fund and Program and this paragraph.

2. Institutional grants shall be awarded to support initiatives that establish or enhance an on-campus internship center or similar one-stop service to assist students and employers with intern placement and that are expected to produce a demonstrated increase in student participation in paid internship programs and work-based learning opportunities. Institutions shall be eligible for grants upon demonstrating that it is a key priority of the institution and its senior academic and administrative leadership to have a coordinated plan to expand internship participation by students, to incorporate internships in curricula, to report completion of internships and courses that include internships on student transcripts, and to remove administrative and financial barriers to internship opportunities. The plan shall include: (i) an implementation timeline, (ii) the allocation of resources and funding strategies to support internships, (iii) the assignment of dedicated personnel to facilitate placement of students in internships and engage with employers, (iv) the identification of how the institution will support students that are less likely to participate in internships and work-based learning opportunities, to be employed in an occupation related to their major upon completion of their certificate or degree, or to earn at or above the average earnings of graduates in their program major; (v) opportunities to align existing student employment opportunities on campus to include best practices of an internship program; and (vi) metrics for measuring, reporting, and regularly reviewing progress on the plan. Institutions that have not developed a plan may be eligible for planning grants as long as the planning grants are led by senior academic and administrative leadership. In determining the amount of grant awards, the Council shall consider the number of undergraduate students enrolled at the institution, the number of students at the institution who participate in internships, and the numerical and percentage increase in internship participation expected to result from the initiative. In addition, the Council shall increase grant awards based upon the following factors: (i) an institution's emphasis on internships that are part of pathways to full-time employment with Virginia-based employers; (ii) the institutional initiative's alignment with specific state or regional programs or partnerships related to economic growth and diversification or workforce development in Virginia; (iii) an institution's strength of commitment as reflected in its reallocation of institutional funds or solicitation of philanthropic support or business partnerships to support the initiative. This funding is intended to be recurring for institutions that demonstrate substantial yearly progress in achieving the objectives of the initiative as measured by the number of internships successfully completed by students.

3. In administering the program authorized in this paragraph, the Council shall (i) engage stakeholders from business and industry, secondary and higher education, economic development, and state agencies and entities that are successfully engaging employers or successfully operating internship programs; (ii) cooperate with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and identified partners in carrying out the authority's responsibilities under Item 125.U. for employer-focused activities that expand availability of and access to paid and credit-bearing internships and corresponding pathways leading to full-time Virginia-based employment; (iii) explore strategies in Virginia and elsewhere on successful institutional, regional, statewide or sector-based internship programs; (iv) gather and report consistent data across institutions regarding current institutional internship practices, scale, and outcomes; (v) develop internship readiness educational resources, delivery methods, and outreach and awareness activities for students and institutional career development personnel; (vi) pursue shared services or other efficiency initiatives, including technological solutions; and (vii) cooperate with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and Virginia Office of Education and Labor Market Alignment in prioritizing industry sectors and tracking key measures of performance."

Page 220. strike lines 1 through 57.


(This amendment transfers the business-related aspects of the internship program to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP). SCHEV will maintain the institution and academic aspects of the program.)