2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Committee Approved)

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Child Care Subsidy Program Adjustments (language only)

Item 125.10 #5h

Item 125.10 #5h

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid to Public Education


Page 202, line 49, strike "7%" and insert "5%"

Page 202, line 50, strike "7%" and insert "5%"

Page 203, strike lines 3 through 6.

Page 209, strike lines 25 through 45, and insert:

"I. The Early Childhood Care and Education Commission shall review and make recommendations on the following matters in its annual report for the second year:

1. appropriate, efficient child care options for school age children, considering (i) adjustments to Child Care Subsidy Program reimbursement rates and appropriateness of continuing services to school age children, (ii) out-of-school time options for school age children, and capacity building needed to address demand for such programs, (iii) other options to address child care needs for school age children.  To accomplish this review, the Commission may establish a workgroup with additional stakeholders as appropriate.

2. income eligibility adjustments, recognizing regional cost-of-living variations."


(This amendment (i) reduces the copayment proposed in the introduced budget for fiscal year 2026 Child Care Subsidy and Mixed Delivery Early Childhood slots from 7 percent of household income to 5 percent; (ii) continues new school age enrollments in the Child Care Subsidy Program; and (iii) directs the Early Childhood Care and Education Commission (ECCEC) to review several issues during the 2025 Interim, including future approaches to addressing school age child care needs, and recognition of regional variations in cost of living to determine eligibility for subsidized early childhood slots. The review proposed in this amendment is in lieu of the workgroup proposed in the introduced bill.)