2025 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Committee Approved)

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SOL Assessment System

Item 119 #1h

Item 119 #1h

First Year - FY2025 Second Year - FY2026
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Department of Education, Central Office Operations FY2025 ($58,115,353) FY2026 ($4,300,000) GF

Page 146, line 33, strike "$101,051,012" and insert "$42,935,659".
Page 146, line 33, strike "$51,917,836" and insert "$47,617,836".

Page 146, line 42, strike "$86,380,678" and insert "$28,267,325".

Page 146, line 43, strike "$30,380,678" and insert "$25,380,678".

Page 147, strike lines 1 through 21.

Page 147, after line 40, insert:

"E. Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of law, the Department shall pursue an extension to  current assessment contracts to June 30, 2027 and is authorized to pursue additional extensions to current assessment contracts through December 31, 2027 to allow sufficient time for the Department to complete procurement processes as necessary to select an assessment vendor. Extensions to the existing assessment contracts shall not be subject to the provisions for renewals of high risk contracts.

F. Out of this appropriation, $700,000 the second year is provided for contracted support to assist the Department with analysis of options for implementing a new state assessment system.

The Department shall issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to procure a vendor to analyze options for implementing an innovative new statewide assessment system to support high-quality teaching and learning in Virginia public schools. The new assessment system shall align with Virginia's Standards of Learning and be implemented in the 2027-2028 school year. The selected vendor shall be a consultant or organization that has demonstrated expertise in K-12 statewide assessment systems and the development of comprehensive reports with recommendations for state education agencies.  

1. At a minimum, the scope of work for such RFP shall include these deliverables:

a. Recommendations for a high-quality assessment system for Virginia based on an analysis of assessment systems in other states, emphasizing models that incorporate: (i) alignment with state standards and instructional goals; (ii) non-traditional assessments, such as project-based or performance-based approaches, including associated cost estimates and feasibility; (iii) accessibility for English learners and students with disabilities, with examples of accommodations and multilingual assessments from other states; (iv) advanced technology integration, such as adaptive testing and online platforms, including infrastructure requirements and associated costs; (v) integration of authentic growth measures that provide formative feedback for educators and could be integrated into a statewide assessment system; (vi) feedback on the application of knowledge and higher-level reasoning skills as described in the standards; and (vii) best practices for release of rubrics, sample items and tasks, anchor papers, exemplars, and other resources that clarify the benchmarks for success.

b. Evaluation of the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of pilot testing components of the proposed assessment system before full implementation.

c. Guidance and recommendations for the Department to develop a competitive RFP for vendors to redesign and manage the statewide assessment system.

d. Implementation timelines and key performance indicators for a successful transition to the new system.

2. The project timeline and deliverables for this procurement shall be as follows:

a. The RFP for this analysis shall be posted by the Department of Education within three weeks of this Act being signed into law.

b. The Department of Education, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, Chair of the House Education Committee and the Chair of the Senate Education and Health Committee, or selected designees, shall select a vendor no later than June 15, 2025.

c. The vendor shall submit a detailed project plan, along with two interim status reports, to the Department of Education, the respective committee chairs, as well as staff for the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, Chair of the House Education Committee and the Chair of the Senate Education and Health Committee, or selected designees, before the final report.

d. The final report and recommendations, including options for building a high-quality assessment system and associated costs, shall be submitted to the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, Chairs of the House Appropriation Committee, House Education Committee, Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, and Senate Education and Health Committee, by January 1, 2026. The report shall also be posted on the Department of Education website by January 2, 2026.

3. The analysis and recommendations provided by the vendor shall consider themes and priorities outlined in paragraph F.1, with a general directive to explore and incorporate these as appropriate.

4. The vendor shall ensure all recommendations and guidance comply with federal requirements, including the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

5. The selected vendor shall not be eligible to bid on the RFP for the assessment contract to be implemented in the 2027-2028 school year.

6. The Department of Education is directed to provide the vendor support and information as needed in the course of its work."


(This amendment saves $58.1 million in fiscal year 2025 and $4.3 million in fiscal year 2026 by deferring the implementation of the next statewide assessment contract until the 2027-2028 school year. In lieu of proceeding with an RFP for an assessment contract, this amendment provides $700,000 in one-time funds in fiscal year 2026 for a vendor with national expertise in statewide assessment systems to advise how best to proceed with a procurement in the next biennium. In addition, this amendment provides $2.7 million in fiscal year 2025 to support extension costs for the current assessment contract. Extension costs for fiscal year 2026 are addressed through additional federal funds included in the introduced budget.)