1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Va Info. Providers Network and DMV (language only)

Item 538 #2c

Item 538 #2c

Motor Vehicles, Department of

Page 314, line 29, after "Commissioner." insert:
"The foregoing language shall not impact the Memorandum of Understanding between the Virginia Information Providers Network Authority and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles executed January 15, 1998."

(This amendment ensures that the proposed budget language in Senate/House Bill 30 does not conflict with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreed upon between the Virginia Information Providers Network Authority and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The proposed budget language in the introduced bill allows DMV to establish and set the rates for compensating public-private partnerships which may be contracted to streamline electronic services. The MOU between DMV and the Authority set forth the guidelines for the use of DMV's electronic databases.)