1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Funds for Statewide Bus Replacement

Item 534 #3c

Item 534 #3c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Rail and Public Transportation, Department of FY1999 $3,500,000 FY2000 $0 NGF

Page 312, line 1, strike "$105,171,300" and insert "$108,671,300".
Page 313, after line 23, insert:
"H. 1. Out of amounts for Capital Assistance, $3,500,000 in the first year shall be provided from federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds for statewide bus purchases.  The Department shall provide this capital assistance through a competitive grant program on an as needed basis, and require a 20 percent local match.
2.  The Commonwealth Transportation Board shall also develop a unified, statewide bus purchase request for consideration by the United States Congress as part of its fiscal year 1999 and fiscal year 2000 transportation appropriation acts.  Such request shall include provisions for up to $7.5 million each year in federal discretionary Section 3 bus purchase funds and for each local government or transit operator to provide any required local matching funds.  The Secretary of Transportation shall notify the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees when these requests are presented to Congress."

(This amendment provides $3.5 million in federal Surface Transportation Program matching funds for statewide bus purchases. It also requires the Commonwealth Transportation Board to develop a unified, statewide bus purchase request for funds up to $7.5 million each year from the U.S. Congress.)