1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Sussex II contract beds

Item 472 #8c

Item 472 #8c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Public Safety
Institutions, Division of FY1999 $15,424,165 FY2000 $18,974,228 NGF
FY1999 406.50 FY2000 406.50 FTE

Page 277, line 42, strike "$308,102,561" and insert "$323,526,726".
Page 277, line 42, strike "$310,919,080" and insert "$329,893,308".
Page 279, after line 31, insert:
"H. The Department of Corrections is authorized to contract with another governmental entity to house male and female prisoners from that jurisdiction in facilities operated by the Department."

(This amendment provides $15,424,165 the first year and $18,974,228 the second year from nongeneral funds and 406.5 FTE positions each year to open and operate Sussex II State Prison in Sussex County, beginning October 1, 1998. This facility will house inmates from jurisdictions outside Virginia as part of the Commonwealth's contract prison bed program. Sufficient space to house the current forecast of state responsible offenders is already available in other state and local facilities through the 1998-2000 biennium, making this facility available for contract prisoners. Proceeds from the contract prison bed program will provide the special fund revenues for this appropriation. The language provides the authority for such contracts. A companion amendment to §4-2.01 of this act establishes a Contract Prisoners Special Revenue Fund for this purpose.