1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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599 funding intent (language only)

Item 456 #6c

Item 456 #6c

Public Safety
Criminal Justice Services, Department of

Page 271, after line 29, insert:
"D.  The Department of Criminal Justice Services shall request full funding of the Aid to Localities with Police Departments (HB 599) program as part of its 2000-2002 agency budget request to the Governor and General Assembly.  For purposes of this budget request, full funding means an appropriation level commensurate with the annual general fund revenue growth each year since the initial appropriation for this program as required by statute."

(This amendment establishes a means to include requests for the Aid to Localities with Police Departments (HB 599) program in the Department of Criminal Justice Services biennial budget request. Funding for this program has not kept pace with the growth in general fund revenues.)