1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Rappahannock River Basin Commission

Item 436 #15c

Item 436 #15c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Natural Resources
Conservation and Recreation, Department of FY1999 $60,000 FY2000 $0 GF

Page 262, line 4, strike "$34,346,268" and insert "$34,406,268".
Page 262, after line 36, insert:  
"D.  The Department shall transfer $60,000 from the general fund in the first year to the fiscal agent of the Rappahannock River Basin Commission, pursuant to Senate Bill 598.  It is the General Assembly's intent that these funds not be released until the Commission's local government members determine and adopt a process for allocating their portion of the Commission's costs.  The Commission shall report to the Secretary of Natural Resources and to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees on the Commission's activities and accomplishments by November 4 of each year."

(This amendment provides $60,000 the first year from the general fund for the strategic planning forum addressing regional issues in the Rappahannock River Basin. The amendment implements Senate Bill 598.)