1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Innovative technology project loan (language only)

Item 427 #4c

Item 427 #4c

Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of

Page 256, after line 14, insert:  
"3.  Subject to the Governor's approval, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality shall assist the Virginia Economic Development Partnership in issuing a loan from the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund, not to exceed $1,750,000 or 25 percent of the construction costs, whichever is less, in fiscal year 1999 for the construction of a privatized wastewater reclamation and reuse system that serves northern Rockingham County and that converts existing point source discharges to the North Fork of the Shenandoah River to a land application system.  These conditions must be met before a loan can be made:  (i) a local government, local industrial development authority, or political subdivision must sponsor the project; (ii) the applicant must obtain all appropriate permits as required under state and federal water control laws; (iii) the terms and use of the loan shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures set out in Item 547 E. of this Act and those promulgated under §2.1-51.6:5 of the Code of Virginia; and (iv) this reclamation and reuse system shall demonstrate wastewater treatment technology that eliminates the discharge of wastewater and nutrients to rivers and streams and recycles nutrients and reclaimed water for beneficial uses, while eliminating the generation of odors and organic sludge from the treatment process."

(This amendment authorizes a loan of up to $1.75 million under the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund for a privately-owned wastewater reclamation and reuse system in Rockingham County. Budget language stipulates that the project must be capable of eliminating pollutant discharges into the North Fork of the Shenandoah River; all required permits be obtained before the loan is awarded; and the Department shall assist the Virginia Economic Development Partnership in this project.)