1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Delay DCSE Database Migration

Item 406 #4c

Item 406 #4c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of FY1999 ($1,700,000) FY2000 ($500,000) GF
FY1999 ($3,300,000) FY2000 ($722,588) NGF

Page 246, line 34, strike "$368,177,368" and insert "$363,177,368".
Page 246, line 34, strike "$394,338,062" and insert "$393,115,474".
Page 247, after line 34, insert:
"As a condition of the appropriation for this item, the Department shall prepare a detailed plan for its phase two modifications to the Automated Program to Enforce Child Support system, including steps needed to re-engineer the system and the extent to which the plan complies with federal government requirements for reimbursement.  The Department shall report its plan to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 15, 1998."

(This amendment delays funding for the phase two modifications to the Automated Program to Enforce Child Support (APECS) system until the Department of Social Services has presented a plan for these modifications.)