1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Child Care Income Thresholds (language only)

Item 402 #7c

Item 402 #7c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 242, line 44, after "B.", insert "1."
Page 242, line 52, after "Services" insert:
", except that the income eligibility thresholds for day care assistance shall account for variations in the local cost of living index by metropolitan statistical areas.  The Department of Social Services shall report on the sliding fee scale and eligibility criteria adopted by the Board of Social Services by December 15 of each year.  The Department of Social Services shall make the necessary amendments to the Child Care and Development Funds Plan to accomplish this intent".
Page 242, after line 56, insert:
2. The Department of Social Services shall monitor local expenditures of allocated child day care assistance funds on a quarterly basis.  Funds that have been properly allocated but not encumbered by the end of the second quarter shall be reallocated to localities that have a demonstrated need for additional day care funding.  Reallocations resulting from unencumbered child day care funds shall be reported to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees no later than January 31 of each year.  Any funds in this item intended for child day care assistance which are unexpended on June 30, 1999, shall be reappropriated for use in the second year."

(This amendment implements recommendations of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission's follow-up study of child day care. It directs the Department of Social Services to use the local cost of living index by metropolitan statistical area when determining income eligibility thresholds for day care assistance and to modify the Child Care and Development Fund Plan accordingly. The amendment also directs the Department to reallocate any unencumbered child day care funds midyear, to ensure that all available day care funding is used to meet demonstrated needs.)