1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Monitor Generalist Initiative (language only)

Item 156 #4c

Item 156 #4c

Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Page 122, after line 12, insert:
"H.  The State Council of Higher Education and the Secretary of Education, in cooperation with the three medical schools, shall monitor the results of the Generalist Initiative, especially the decisions of graduates from the undergraduate medical programs to enter generalist residencies, and the composition of the residencies in the two associated academic health centers.  It is the intent of the General Assembly that continued funding for the Generalist Initiative is contingent upon achievement at each participating institution of these goals: (i) at least 50 percent of Virginia medical school graduates shall enter generalist practice; and, (ii) at least 50 percent of Virginia medical school graduates entering generalist practice shall enter practice in Virginia upon completion of residency training.  The three medical schools shall report to the State Council by October 1, 1999, and the State Council shall submit by November 15, 1999, recommendations on funding for the program in 2000-02 to the Governor and General Assembly.
"I.  In developing its recommendations on operating budget guidelines and tuition policy for the Educational and General programs for 2000-02, the State Council should reaffirm or modify its recommended funding policies for undergraduate medical education.  The policy of including patient fees as a funding source for undergraduate and graduate medical education should be continued.  The medical schools are encouraged to be aggressive in setting tuition rates that are above national average tuition rates for both in-state and out-of-state students."

(This amendment establishes a process to monitor the "Generalist Initiative," a joint project of the medical schools at the University of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Eastern Virginia Medical School. The purpose of the project is to increase the number of generalist physicians in Virginia. The amendment also provides instructions to the State Council of Higher Education regarding recommendations for medical education funding for the 2000-2002 biennium.)