1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Best Practices Unit-Dept. of Ed. HB 710

Item 129 #2c

Item 129 #2c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Education, Department of FY1999 $190,000 FY2000 $190,000 GF
FY1999 3.00 FY2000 3.00 FTE

Page 82, line 12, strike "$22,821,466" and insert "$23,011,466".
Page 82, line 12, strike "$21,189,592" and insert "$21,379,592".
Page 83, after line 55, insert:
"L.  The amounts for State Education Services include $190,000 and three positions the first year from the general fund and $190,000 and three positions the second year from the general fund for an evaluation unit in the Department of Education."

(This amendment provides funding for an evaluation unit in the Department of Education, pursuant to House Bill 710. The unit's activities will focus on, but shall not be limited to, training and remediation programs. The three positions are in addition to the position added in the introduced budget for this purpose.)