1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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JCHC -Study Health Workforce Initiatives (language only)

Item 12 #3c

Item 12 #3c

Legislative Department
Joint Commission On Health Care

Page 8, after line 26, insert:
"The Joint Commission on Health Care, in cooperation with the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, shall study and develop a centralized planning and funding mechanism to ensure that the Commonwealth's health workforce activities and initiatives related to improving access to care in underserved areas are designed, administered, and funded in a coordinated manner that maximizes their efficiency and effectiveness.  The Joint Commission's analysis shall include the Area Health Education Center program; the Department of Health's Center for Primary Care Resource Development including recruitment, scholarship and loan repayment programs; those activities of the Generalist Initiative which relate to improving access to care in underserved areas; and, the role of other related private non-profit community-based organizations.  The Joint Commission shall complete its study by November 1, 1998 and shall report its findings and recommendation to the Governor and the 1999 Session of the General Assembly."

(This amendment directs the Joint Commission on Health Care to study the Commonwealth's health care workforce and initiatives to improve access to care in underserved areas and to develop a central planning and funding mechanism to ensure these initiatives are effectively and efficiently coordinated. The study is also intended to include community based nonprofit organizations such as Free Clinics in the analysis. )