1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Unclaimed Lottery Revenues Transfer (language only)

Item 0 #2c

Item 0 #2c


Page 1, line 23, strike "381,303,183" and "379,667,430" and "760,970,613 and insert "390,503,183" and "388,867,430" and "779,370,613".

(This amendment provides for the transfer to the general fund of an estimated $9.2 million per year in unclaimed lottery prizes. These funds are included in the appropriation in Item 554, which requires that these funds shall to be used solely and exclusively to support a program of school construction, additions, renovations, retrofitting or enlarging of public school buildings, infrastructure, facilities or debt service payments, in keeping with the implementation of a program for such purposes.