1998 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Committee Approved)

UVAMC Dialysis Center

Item C-41.01 #2s

Item C-41.01 #2s

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Higher Education
University of Virginia Medical Center FY1999 $1,100,000 FY2000 $0 NGF

Page 358, after line 15, insert:
"C-41.01  Acquisition:  Dialysis Center                                $1,100,000
                Fund Sources:  Higher Education Operating     $1,100,000."

(This amendment provides authorization for the University of Virginia Medical Center to aquire a 5,000 square foot dialysis facility at Zion Crossroads in Louisa County. The facility was constructed by the UVA Health Services Foundation, with the intent of leasing the facility to the Medical Center. It has been determined that acquisition of the property is the most cost-effective method of operating the center.)