Language Page 159, following line 25, insert:"C-72.30 The General Assembly hereby authorizes a capital project for $3,200,000 from the general fund for renovation of a building at Fort Pickett for the headquarters of the Department of Military Affairs.".
Explanation(This amendment provides legislative authority for a capital project to renovate a building at Fort Pickett to house the headquarters for the Department of Military Affairs. The Governor approved this project during the interim pursuant to his authority under Section 4-4.01(j) of this Act. The sources of funding for this project are (i) a transfer of $1,000,000 from the Economic Contingency account; (ii) a transfer of $1,500,000 from June 30, 1997, balances in the Department of Juvenile Justice; and (iii) a transfer of $700,000 from June 30, 1997, balances in the Department of Correctional Education.)