1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

VAMUS Renovate Robinson House

Item C-92.01 #2c

Item C-92.01 #2c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Other
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts FY1999 $174,000 FY2000 $0 GF

Page 364, after line 8, insert:  
"C-92.01  Improvements:  Plan Robinson House Renovations               $174,000
               Fund Sources:  General                      $174,000".

(This amendment provides funds to plan the renovation of the Robinson House, an historically significant structure on the grounds of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. The funds will support abatement of asbestos-containing material, lead-based paint, and lead contaminated soil. The building is currently considered unsafe for use.)