1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Secretarial Manpower Control (language only)

Item 4-7.01 #1c

Item 4-7.01 #1c

Statewide Plans
3: Miscellaneous & Part 4: General Provisions)

Page 414, line 17, after "f.", strike "Personnel" and insert:
"Full-time, part-time, wage, or contractual state employees".
Page 414, line 19, after "agency" insert "or institution".
Page 414, line 19, after "Secretaries" insert:
", or the temporary assignment of agency or institutional employees to the Offices of the Secretaries for periods exceeding 180 days regardless of the separate or discrete nature of the projects,"

(This amendment clarifies existing language relating to the temporary assignment of state employees to Cabinet Secretaries' Offices, in accord with the 1997 JLARC report on the Cabinet System.)