1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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State Police Officers' Salary Increase

Item 546 #1s

Item 546 #1s

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY1999 $7,090,320 FY2000 $7,090,320 GF

Page 317, line 3, strike "$44,294,546" and insert "$51,384,866".
Page 317, line 3, strike "$94,378,229" and insert "$101,468,549".
Page 323, following line 40, insert:
"I.  Out of the amounts for compensation supplements shall be paid $7,090,320 the first year and $7,090,320 the second year for job class regrades for State Police Trooper I's, Trooper II's, Senior Troopers, Master Troopers and related job classes up to and including the rank of State Police Captain, effective July 1, 1998."

(This amendment provides $7.1 million each year for a one pay grade, 9.2%, job class regrade for state troopers and related job classes.)