1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Water Quality Improvement Fund Savings

Item 427 #5s

Item 427 #5s

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of FY1999 ($6,000,000) FY2000 $0 GF

Page 255, line 18, strike "$88,648,069" and insert "$82,648,069".
Page 255, line 56 strike "$43,100,000" and insert "$37,100,000".
Page 256, line 4 strike "$23,230,000" and insert "$19,870,000".
Page 256, line 5 strike "$19,870,000" and insert "$17,230,000".
Page 256, line 9 strike "$3,500,000" and insert "$3,350,000".
Page 256, after line 14, insert:  "3.  The Director of the Department of Environmental Quality is authorized to make a grant from the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund, not to exceed $6,000,000, for the design and construction of biological nutrient removal or other nutrient removal facilities for private sewage treatment plants serving residential areas in the Potomac-Shenandoah River Basin which exceed 0.5 MGD, provided the nutrient reductions achieved contribute to the 40 percent nutrient reduction goal of the Chesapeake Bay Program.".

(This amendment reduces the general fund deposit to the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund by $6.0 million in the 1998-2000 biennium. The reduction is targeted by language to the second year allocation. The basis of the reductions are those tributary strategies that will produce the least amount of nutrient reductions and that have significant obstacles to overcome. These strategies include the: "Year 2000 Challenge Grants," "Bonuses for Additional Facilities," and "Expanding Eligibility to Private Facilities.")