1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Controls-Privatizing Child Support (language only)

Item 406 #3s

Item 406 #3s

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 247, after line 34, insert:
E.  The Department of Social Services and the Office of the Attorney General shall not contract with any private collection agency, private attorney, or other private entity for any child support enforcement activity until the State Board of Social Services has made a written determination that the activity shall be performed under a proposed contract at a lower cost than if performed by employees of the Commonwealth.  Pursuant to Senate Bill 289, the Department and the Office of the Attorney General shall each submit a written report, by July 1, 1998, and annually thereafter, to the Governor and General Assembly with a detailed summary and evaluation of the privatization of child support enforcement activities."

(This amendment prevents the privatizing of child support enforcement activities unless they can be performed less expensively than provided by the State Department of Social Services and the Office of the Attorney General. Language from Senate Bill 289, which requires a report on privatization of those activities, is also included in this amendment.)