1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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MWC NoVa Cost of Living Salary Adj.

Item 233 #6s

Item 233 #6s

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Higher Education
Mary Washington College FY1999 $100,000 FY2000 $100,000 GF
FY1999 $252,000 FY2000 $258,000 NGF

Page 160, line 44, strike "$27,278,571" and insert "$27,630,571".
Page 160, line 44, strike "$28,313,442" and insert "$28,671,442".
Page 161, after line 38, insert:  
"D.  The Department of Personnel and Training is authorized to implement a pilot project for classified employees at Mary Washington College.  The pilot program shall develop alternative classifications for specific classes of employees for which the College has difficulty recruiting and retaining staff, due to the regional competitive labor market."

(This amendment provides support for Mary Washington College to address employee recruiting and retention problems, due to competition from other localities and Northern Virginia businesses.)