1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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SCHEV - Indicators/Nacubo Mgmt. (language only)

Item 156 #6s

Item 156 #6s

Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Page 121, line 34, after "Project." insert:
"For 1998-99, the Council of Higher Education's "Indicator's Project" should provide benchmarking information on the administrative and support service programs of the public institutions of higher education.  The Council should participate in existing national studies, such as those provided by the National Association of College and University Business Officers.  The public institutions of higher education, the Department of Accounts, the Department of General Services, the Department of Planning and Budget, and the Council on Information Management are requested to provide staff assistance and participate cooperatively in the design and implementation of this project.  The Council shall report its findings to the Governor and the General Assembly by November 1, 1998."

(This amendment directs the Council of Higher Education and the public institutions of higher education to participate in a national benchmarking study of administrative programs.)