1998 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Revised Group Life & VRS - SOL Remediation Program

Item 138 #18s

Item 138 #18s

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY1999 ($953,051) FY2000 ($1,133,234) GF

Page 93, line 14, strike "$2,363,701,528" and insert "$2,362,748,477".
Page 93, line 14, strike "$2,411,157,990" and insert "$2,410,024,756".
Page 110, line 57, strike "$15,250,387" and insert "$14,297,336".
Page 110, line 58, strike "$16,399,230" and insert "$15,265,996".

(This amendment adjusts funding to remove retirement and group life insurance benefits from the hourly compensation package for the SOL Remediation initiative. This is in keeping with the premise that the initiative provides additional instructional hours that may be covered by existing teachers or contract employees and does not require divisions to add FTEs.)