2012 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

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First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012Totals

Office of Education

Christopher Newport University
C-4Improvements: Renovate Santoro Residence Hall$0$5,000,000
C-5New Construction: Construct Residence Hall VII$37,000,000$0
C-5.10Planning: Student Success Center
New Construction: Student Success Center
C-5.20Improvements: Residence Hall Roof Replacement$3,000,000$0
C-5.30Improvements: Expand Residential Dining Facility$0$4,750,000
C-5.40New Construction: Construct Bell Tower, Christopher Newport University
New Construction: Construct Bell Tower
C-5.50New Construction: Construct Radcliffe Hall Addition, Christopher Newport University
New Construction: Construct Ratcliffe Hall Addition
C-5.60New Construction: Parking Deck II and Surface Parking, Christopher Newport University
New Construction: Construct Parking Deck II
The College of William and Mary in Virginia
C-7New Construction: Construct New Dormitory$25,800,000$0
C-8Improvements: Improve Athletic Facilities$6,500,000$0
C-9Improvements: Reconstruct Ash Lawn-Highland Barn$800,000$0
C-10Improvements: Renovate Residence Halls$4,500,000$0
C-10.10Improvements: Cooling Plant & Utility Improvements, Phase III$9,999,000$0
Richard Bland College 
C-10.40Language Only 
George Mason University
C-12New Construction: Construct Student Housing VII$750,000$0
C-13Improvements: Construct Addition to Student Union I$2,400,000$0
C-14New Construction: Construct Campus Entrances, Fairfax Campus$8,547,000$0
C-15New Construction: Construct Campus Entrances, Prince William Campus$1,211,000$0
C-16New Construction: Construct New Global Center$5,015,000$0
C-17Improvements: Renovate Commons$16,002,000$0
C-18Improvements: Renovate Concert Hall$0$41,064,000
C-19Improvements: Renovate Field House$9,186,000$0
C-20Improvements: Renovate Student Apartments$0$3,098,000
C-22Language Only 
C-23Language Only 
C-24Language Only 
C-24.10Improvements: Prince William Campus Labs$10,000,000$0
C-24.20Language Only 
C-24.30New Construction: Arlington, Phase II$3,835,293$0
C-24.40New Construction: Construct Smithsonian Conservation and Research Center Housing and Dining$2,912,000$0
C-24.50Enhance Fairfax Campus Dining
New Construction: Enhance Fairfax Campus Dining
James Madison University
C-25Improvements: Renovate West Wing, Rockingham Hospital$6,000,000$0
C-27Acquisition: Blanket Property Acquisition$5,000,000$0
C-28Improvements: Bridgeforth Stadium Expansion Scoreboards$2,000,000$0
C-29New Construction: Construct Student Health Center/RMH East Wing
New Construction: Construct Student Health Center / Rmh East Wing
C-30Improvements: Convocation Center Renovation/Expansion$5,000,000$0
C-31Acquisition: Grace Street Acquisition$3,000,000$0
C-31.10Planning: Surface Parking$2,500,000$0
Longwood University
C-32New Construction: Construct Addition and Renovation to Lankford Hall$5,494,000$0
C-33New Construction: Construct Alumni Center$8,000,000$0
C-33.10New Construction: Construct University Center$29,683,000$0
University of Mary Washington
C-35New Construction: Construct Parking Lot - Battleground Athletic Complex$1,800,000$0
C-36Improvements: Renovate Residence Halls$0$12,000,000
C-37Improvements: Battleground Athletic Complex Fields and Facility Improvements$2,500,000$300,000
C-37.10New Construction: Construct Dining and Student Center, University of Mary Washington
New Construction: Construct Dining and Student Center
C-37.20Acquisition: Blanket Property Acquisition, University of Mary Washington
Acquisition: Acquire Property Adjacent to Campus
Norfolk State University
C-38New Construction: Construct Multi-Story Parking Structure$18,000,000$0
C-39New Construction: Construct Residential Housing$46,001,000$0
C-39.10Language Only 
Old Dominion University
C-40Language Only 
C-40.10Planning: New School of Education$2,000,000$0
Radford University
C-42Acquisition: Acquire Property for Campus Expansion$46,000,000$0
C-42.10Improvements: Renovate Moffett Hall$12,900,000$0
C-42.20Improvements: Renovate Washington Hall$0$10,819,800
University of Virginia
C-45New Construction: Construct Addition to Drama Building$15,000,000$0
C-46New Construction: Construct Addition to the Bayly Art Museum$27,500,000$0
C-47New Construction: Construct Miller Center, Phase III$30,000,000$0
C-48Improvements: Construct Millmont Collaborative Conservation and Objects Study Center$7,000,000$0
C-49New Construction: Construct New Dry Lab Facility, Phase II$5,360,000$0
C-50New Construction: Construct Rehearsal Hall$12,700,000$0
C-50.05Improvements: Renovate the Rotunda$0$4,690,000
Virginia Commonwealth University
C-51New Construction: Construct Baseball Facility$3,000,000$0
C-52New Construction: Construct West Grace South Housing and Parking$40,988,000$0
C-53Improvements: Renovate One Capitol Square
Improvements: Renovate One Capitol Square
C-54Improvements: Renovate Pauley Heart Center, Phase I
Improvements: Renovate Pauley Heart Center, Phase I
C-55Improvements: Renovate Siegel Center$4,385,000$0
C-55.05Acquisition: Acquire Property$0$3,300,000
C-55.10Acquisition: Acquire and Renovate Biotech I$12,955,000$0
C-55.20New Construction: Construct West Grace Street Housing North$33,763,000$0
Virginia Community College System
C-56New Construction: Construct Trades Center, Piedmont$3,557,000$0
C-57Improvements: Renovate Student Life Center, Virginia Western$7,542,000$7,542,000
C-58Language Only 
C-59Improvements: Improve Campus Signage, Virginia Western$625,000$0
C-60Improvements: Renovate and Expand Campus Parking and Lighting, Virginia Western$617,000$0
C-61Improvements: Renovate Phase I Facility, Downtown Campus, J. Sargeant Reynolds$2,000,000$0
C-62New Construction: Construct Student Center, Norfolk Campus, Tidewater$1,100,000$0
C-63New Construction: Construct Student Center, Virginia Beach Campus, Tidewater$1,700,000$0
C-64New Construction: Construct Student Center, Portsmouth Campus, Tidewater$1,100,000$0
C-65New Construction: Construct Student Center, Chesapeake Campus, Tidewater$1,100,000$0
C-66New Construction: Construct Historic Triangle Parking Lot, Phase II, Thomas Nelson$342,000$0
C-67Improvements: Renovate Cafeteria, Annandale Campus, Northern Virginia Community College$11,395,000$0
C-68New Construction: Construct Parking Structure, Parham Road, J. Sargent Reynolds$11,064,000$0
C-68.10New Construction: Construct Parking Garage, Fredericksburg Campus, Germanna Community College$0$5,941,000
C-68.20Improvements: Construct Access Road, Chester Campus, John Tyler$0$787,000
C-68.25Language Only 
Virginia Military Institute
C-68.50New Construction: Construct Lackey Parking$0$1,542,000
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
C-70New Construction: Construct Academic and Student Programs Building$45,153,000$0
C-70.10New Construction: Construct New Visitors and Admissions Center
New Construction: Construct New Visitors and Undergraduate Admissions Center
Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station 
C-72Improvements: Improve Kentland Facilities, Phase I$5,000,000$0
Virginia State University
C-73.10Acquisition: Acquire Ettrick Property$5,840,000$0
C-73.20New Construction: Construct Quad Phase II$30,816,000$0
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
C-74Improvements: Jamestown Settlement: Legacy Walkway - II$174,000$0
The Science Museum of Virginia