| First Year - FY2011 | Second Year - FY2012 | Totals |
Office of Commerce and Trade | $1,336,100,000 $1,332,481,701 | $1,105,592,391 $1,136,873,250 | |
Secretary of Commerce and Trade | $624,806 | $624,806 | |
95 | Administrative and Support Services | $624,806 | $624,806 | |
Economic Development Incentive Payments | $53,470,436 $50,470,436 | $42,598,436 $54,150,384 | |
96 | Economic Development Services | $53,470,436 $50,470,436 | $42,598,436 $54,150,384 | |
Board of Accountancy | $919,454 $1,107,017 | $919,454 $1,231,905 | |
97 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $919,454 $1,107,017 | $919,454 $1,231,905 | |
Department of Business Assistance | $16,074,897 | $11,274,897 $16,644,897 | |
98 | Economic Development Services | $16,074,897 | $11,274,897 $16,644,897 | |
Department of Housing and Community Development | $120,591,639 $120,456,569 | $119,892,338 $128,740,993 | |
99 | Housing Assistance Services | $47,475,836 | $48,703,368 $48,533,821 | |
100 | Community Development Services | $54,824,880 $54,889,810 | $52,898,047 $58,627,473 | |
101 | Economic Development Services | $12,423,354 | $12,423,354 $15,923,354 | |
102 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $2,773,534 | $2,773,534 | |
103 | Governmental Affairs Services | $352,033 | $352,033 | |
104 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,742,002 $2,542,002 | $2,742,002 $2,530,778 | |
Department of Labor and Industry | $13,768,095 $13,693,566 | $13,768,095 $13,709,095 | |
105 | Economic Development Services | $916,924 | $916,924 | |
106 | Regulation of Business Practices | $803,976 $733,902 | $803,976 $733,902 | |
107 | Regulation of Individual Safety | $8,615,749 $8,311,088 | $8,615,749 $8,311,088 | |
108 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $542,448 $485,602 | $542,448 $485,602 | |
109 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,888,998 $3,246,050 | $2,888,998 $3,261,579 | |
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $32,758,697 $33,662,434 | $31,929,209 $32,680,284 | |
110 | Minerals Management | $27,083,849 $27,073,578 | $27,004,361 $26,974,361 | |
111 | Resource Management Research, Planning, and Coordination | $2,443,898 $3,357,906 | $2,443,898 $2,486,973 | |
112 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,230,950 | $3,230,950 $3,218,950 | |
112.10 | Executive Management | $0 | -$750,000 | |
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation | $21,197,545 | $21,220,113 $21,842,019 | |
113 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $21,197,545 | $21,220,113 $21,842,019 | |
Virginia Economic Development Partnership | $19,944,647 $18,444,647 | $19,415,259 $18,699,713 | |
114 | Economic Development Services | $19,944,647 $18,444,647 | $19,415,259 $18,699,713 | |
Virginia Employment Commission | $1,035,380,375 | $822,580,375 $825,580,375 | |
115 | Workforce Systems Services | $1,032,007,231 | $819,207,231 $822,207,231 | |
116 | Economic Development Services | $3,373,144 | $3,373,144 | |
117 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Racing Commission | $3,310,644 | $3,310,644 | |
118 | Economic Development Services | $1,400,000 | $1,400,000 | |
119 | Regulation of Horse Racing and Pari-Mutuel Betting | $1,910,644 | $1,910,644 | |
Virginia Tourism Authority | $18,058,765 | $18,058,765 $19,658,135 | |
120 | Tourist Promotion | $18,058,765 | $18,058,765 $19,658,135 | |