2024 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 60 Amendments

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Member Request
60#1h5% Salary Increase for Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and Regional Jail Officers$30,022,335$32,751,638
60#2h10% Salary Increase for Deputy Sheriffs with Law Enforcement Responsibility$10,239,616$11,272,270
60#3h10% Salary Increase for Deputy Sheriffs with Law Enforcement Responsibility$10,239,616$11,272,270
60#4h5% Salary Increase for Sheriffs and Staff$19,210,299$20,956,690
60#5hFunding for Sheriffs for Custody Transport and Supervision$10,000,000$0
60#6hAdjust Funding for VA VINE System$185,665$185,665
60#7hFund 1:1500 Ratio for Sheriffs' Offices$13,932,148$16,741,645
60#8hAmend Sheriff Staffing Ratio$12,000,000$12,000,000
60#9h5% Salary Increase for Sheriffs and Staff$19,210,299$20,956,690
60#10hProvide Targeted Salary Increase to Communication Positions$1,255,527$1,369,666
60#11hTargeted Salary Increase for Communication Positions $1,255,527$1,369,666
60#12hTransfer Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder Program to DCJS-$500,000$0
60#13hProvide Targeted Salary Increase for Communication Positions $1,255,527$1,369,666
60#14hProvide Targeted Salary Increase for Communications Positions $1,255,527$1,369,666
60#15h5% Salary Increase for Sheriffs and Staff$19,210,299$20,956,690
60#17h5% Salary Increase for Sheriffs and Staff$19,210,299$20,956,690
60#18hProvide Pay Equity for Fairfax County Sheriff's Office$3,141,850$3,141,850
Committee Approved
60#1hAdjust Funding for VA VINE System$185,665$185,665
60#2hTransfer Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder Program to DCJS-$500,000$0
60#3hHB 1: Increasing the State Minimum Wage$50,715$322,682
Floor Approved
60#1hAdjust Funding for VA VINE System$185,665$185,665
60#2hTransfer Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder Program to DCJS-$500,000$0
60#3hHB 1: Increasing the State Minimum Wage$50,715$322,682
Conference Report
60#1cSheriff Salary Study (Language Only)
60#2cAdjust Funding for VA VINE System$185,665$185,665
60#3cTransfer Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment Funding to DCJS-$500,000$0