2020 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 477 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
477#1hHB 649 - Include Police Dispatchers in Presumption Clause$50,000$50,000
477#2hHB 395 - Fund Impact of Minimum Wage Increase $1,459,551$7,000,000
477#3hHigher Education - Unified Faculty Salary Amendment$68,094,400$138,231,600
477#4hIncrease T & F Faculty Salary$18,159,639$18,400,749
477#5hHB 1302 - Minimum Salary for All Deputy Sheriffs$6,897,816$6,897,816
477#6h3% Salary Increase for State Employees and State Supported Local Employees $124,655,574$135,929,159
477#7hFunding 3% Salary Increase for Employees in Sheriffs' Offices $9,045,873$9,868,225
477#8h10% Salary Increase for Correctional Officers $39,500,670$39,500,670
477#9hSalary Increase for DOC Correctional Officers - 7%$27,650,469$27,650,469
477#10hSalary Increase for State Police - 3% $4,543,944$4,543,944
477#11hInclude DCR Law Enforcement Personnel in VaLORS$450,000$450,000
477#12hVaLORS - Include DCR Law Enforcement Personnel $450,000$450,000
477#13hHB 1350 - Include Sworn DMV Personnel in VaLORS$325,000$325,000
477#15hSalary Increase for All Sheriffs Deputies and Regional Jail Officers - 7%$35,216,971$35,216,971
477#16hHB 1087 - Funding Deductibles Through Health Savings Accounts for High Deductible Plans$0$500,000
477#17hHB 58 - Address Balance Billing$250,000$250,000
477#18hHB 645 - Health Coverage for Diabetes Treatment$50,000$50,000
477#19hHB 579 - Coverage for Low-Dose Screening Mammograms$600,000$600,000
477#20hHB 1494 & HB 1251 - Surprise Billing$250,000$250,000
477#21hHB 840 - Coverage for Medically Necessary Formula and Enteral Nutrition Products$100,000$100,000
477#22hHB 121 - Add 3 Additional Types of Cancers to Presumption Clause$100,000$100,000
477#23hHB 1536 - Add 3 Additional Types of Cancers to Presumption Clause$100,000$100,000
477#24h HB 733 - Add 3 Additional Types of Cancers to Presumption Clause$100,000$100,000
477#25hHB 438 - Include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to Presumption Clause$400,000$400,000
477#26hHB 169 - Include Correctional Officers in Presumption Clause for Certain Diseases$125,000$150,000
477#27hInclude PTSD Under Workers Compensation Act$400,000$400,000
477#28hHB 617 - Cover Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Through Workers Compensation$100,000$100,000
477#29hAdjust Annual Supplement for VaLORS$0$2,800,000
477#30hHB 556 - Amend Judicial Retirement Cap $792,000$792,000
477#31hHB 986 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs$655,000$655,000
477#32hHB 1493 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs or SROs$655,000$655,000
Committee Approved
477#1hCompensation Package for State Employees and State Support Local Employees$68,373,762$104,463,102
477#2hReduce Amortization Period for Retiree Health Credit $3,881,799$4,050,565
477#3hAdjust Funding for Line of Duty Act to Reflect Adopted Legislation $78,715$78,715
477#4hHB 1495 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs $144,000$144,000
477#5hHB 395 - Funding for Minimum Wage Increase $3,666,700$7,419,213
477#6hEliminate 2021 State Employee Health Insurance Premium Increase-$13,165,482-$13,165,482
Floor Request
477#1hTargeted Salary Action for Employees of Sheriffs' Offices$2,351,991$2,642,783
Floor Approved
477#1hCompensation Package for State Employees and State Support Local Employees$68,373,762$104,463,102
477#2hReduce Amortization Period for Retiree Health Credit $3,881,799$4,050,565
477#3hAdjust Funding for Line of Duty Act to Reflect Adopted Legislation $78,715$78,715
477#4hHB 1495 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs $144,000$144,000
477#5hHB 395 - Funding for Minimum Wage Increase $3,666,700$7,419,213
477#6hEliminate 2021 State Employee Health Insurance Premium Increase-$13,165,482-$13,165,482
Conference Report
477#1cAdjust Funding for Line of Duty Act to Reflect Adopted Legislation $78,811$78,811
477#2cHB 438/SB 561 - Workers Compensation Coverage for PTSD$418,085$418,085
477#3cReduce Amortization Period for Retiree Health Credit $3,881,799$4,050,565
477#4cHB 395/SB 7 - Funding for Minimum Wage Increase $1,398,067$4,627,062
477#5cState and State Supported Employee Compensation Package$118,087,286$146,766,525
477#6cHB 1495/SB 54 - Retired Law-Enforcement Officers Employed as School SSOs $144,000$144,000
477#7cEliminate 2021 State Employee Health Insurance Premium Increase-$13,165,482-$13,165,482