2012 1

Budget Bill - HB1301 (Introduced)

Item 307 Amendments

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Committee Approved
307#1hCapture savings from federal bonus payment for Medicaid Ennrollment of Children (Language Only)
307#2hAdjust Medicaid Forecast for New Enrollees$0-$88,688,472
307#3hHB 183 Extend Medicaid/FAMIS to Pregnant Legal Immigrants & Children$973,545$1,693,039
307#4hMedicaid Funding for the State Teaching Hospitals$29,765,641$34,303,592
307#5hCorrect Estimates for Hospital Inflation Savings-$7,322,668-$1,953,856
307#6hIncrease Medicaid Hospital Inpatient Payments$28,670,963$39,838,792
307#7hIncrease Medicaid Payments for Nursing Facilities$23,058,430$35,041,246
307#8hIncrease Medicaid Rates for Congregate Care Waiver Services$4,057,442$4,287,880
307#9hAdd 200 Intellectual Disability Waivers$5,103,450$13,609,200
307#10hAdd 50 Developmentally Disabled Waiver Slots$743,900$1,487,800
307#11hExempt Certain Behavioral Health Drugs from Medicaid PDL$4,200,000$0
307#12hAllow Adults with ID on EDCD Waiver to Receive Facility Respite Care (Language Only)
307#13hAdd Provider Organizations to Medicaid Work Group on Intensive In-home Service Rates Based on Qualit (Language Only)
307#14hCare Coordination for Behavioral Health Services (Language Only)
307#15hRevise Home and Community Based Services Audit Methodology (Language Only)
307#16hEnhance Qualifications for Consumer Directed Service Facilitators (Language Only)
307#17hCare Coordination of High Need Medicaid Recipients (Language Only)
307#18hMedicaid Provider Appeals Procedure (Language Only)
307#19hMedicaid Fraud Control Efforts (Language Only)