Committee Approved | | |
523#1s | Signage for Heart of Appalachia Bike Trail (Language Only) |
523#2s | Study of eligible businesses for access roads (Language Only) |
523#3s | Repayment of VDOT line of credit by Buchanan County (Language Only) |
523#5s | Reduces recommended appropriation in VDOT in excess of required amounts for debt service to maintain | -$900,000 | -$900,000 |
523#6s | Increase Secondary Road Revenue Sharing Program (Language Only) |
523#7s | Increase NoVa Transportation Program authority and funding | $0 | $3,500,000 |
523#10s | Western Transportation Corridor (Language Only) |
Conference Report | | |
523#1c | Appalachia Bike Trail (Language Only) |
523#2c | Eligible Businesses - Access Roads (Language Only) |
523#3c | Fund New No.Va. Trans. Bonds | $3,800,000 | $7,900,000 |
523#4c | Reduce NoVa Trans. Debt Service | -$900,000 | -$900,000 |
523#5c | Secondary Road Revenue Sharing (Language Only) |
523#6c | Western Transportation Corridor (Language Only) |
523#7c | HMO Funds for Route 58 | $0 | $3,500,000 |