1998 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 523 Amendments

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Committee Approved
523#1sSignage for Heart of Appalachia Bike Trail (Language Only)
523#2sStudy of eligible businesses for access roads (Language Only)
523#3sRepayment of VDOT line of credit by Buchanan County (Language Only)
523#5sReduces recommended appropriation in VDOT in excess of required amounts for debt service to maintain-$900,000-$900,000
523#6sIncrease Secondary Road Revenue Sharing Program (Language Only)
523#7sIncrease NoVa Transportation Program authority and funding$0$3,500,000
523#10sWestern Transportation Corridor (Language Only)
Conference Report
523#1cAppalachia Bike Trail (Language Only)
523#2cEligible Businesses - Access Roads (Language Only)
523#3cFund New No.Va. Trans. Bonds$3,800,000$7,900,000
523#4cReduce NoVa Trans. Debt Service-$900,000-$900,000
523#5cSecondary Road Revenue Sharing (Language Only)
523#6cWestern Transportation Corridor (Language Only)
523#7cHMO Funds for Route 58$0$3,500,000