1998 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 70 Amendments

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Committee Approved
70#2sFull-time Staff Positions for the Local Inmate Data System (LIDS)$24,000$25,000
70#6sJail Reporting Requirement$89,838$81,258
70#7sCompensation Board Computer Equipment$47,000$43,000
70#8sLocal Administration of Personal Property tax Reform (Language Only)
Conference Report
70#2cFull-time Staff Positions for the Local Inmate Data System (LIDS)$24,000$25,000
70#6cJail Reporting Requirement$45,000$45,000
70#7cCompensation Board Computer Equipment$45,000$0