1998 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 534 Amendments

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Committee Approved
534#5sCorrect formula distribution errors-mass transit program-$1,989,300-$1,989,300
534#6sFunding for light-rail in Hampton Roads$5,000,000$0
534#7sStudy of funding for capital region mass transit system (Language Only)
534#8sPurchase para-transit vehicles for transit operators helping the disadvantaged$500,000$500,000
534#9sFunds for statewide bus replacement$3,500,000$0
534#10sMass transit TTF formula change$131,932$1,879,239
534#11sCTB to negotiate loan for MagLev partnership demonstration (Language Only)
534#12sState match for Dulles rail prelim. engineering$500,000$0
534#13sRe-prioritize mass transit performance grants-$5,000,000-$5,000,000
Conference Report
534#1cTransit Performance Funding-$5,000,000$0
534#2cCorrect Mass Transit Error-$1,989,300-$1,989,300
534#3cFunds for Statewide Bus Replacement$3,500,000$0
534#4cMass Transit TTF Formula Change$2,444,100$5,486,400
534#5cState Match - Dulles Rail (Language Only)
534#6cHampton Area Transit$5,000,000$0