1998 Session

Budget Bill - SB29 (Introduced)

Division of Community Corrections

Item 466

Item 466 (Not set out)

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Community-Based Custody (35000)$6,373,184$6,753,443
Community Residential Custody and Treatment Services (35002)FY1997 $1,256,434FY1998 $1,556,434
Community Non-Residential Custody and Treatment (35004)FY1997 $3,131,150FY1998 $3,211,409
Community Custody and Treatment Services Local Grants and Contracts (35005)FY1997 $1,985,600FY1998 $1,985,600
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $6,354,774FY1998 $6,735,033
SpecialFY1997 $18,410FY1998 $18,410

Authority: §§ 53.1-179 through 53.1-185.1, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department shall seek grant funding through the Department of Criminal Justice Services to continue operation of the Peninsula Day Reporting Center. Such grant should be requested for the same staffing and programming level as under the existing grant.

B. The Department shall seek grant funding of not less than $750,000 each year through the Department of Criminal Justice Services to contract for residential substance abuse treatment services for probationers and parolees. Services to be provided through such grant request shall be linked to existing institutional and community-based substance abuse treatment programs in the Department of Corrections.

C. The Department of Corrections shall provide biannual reports on its progress in implementing the Statewide Community-Based Corrections System for State-Responsible Offenders to the Chairmen of the House Courts of Justice, Health, Welfare and Institutions, and Appropriations Committees and the Senate Courts of Justice, Rehabilitation and Social Services, and Finance Committees.

D. The Department of Corrections is authorized to establish a Detention Center Incarceration Program pursuant to § 53.1-67.8 in each of its four administrative regions. The Department is also authorized to use for this purpose up to two of its minimum security work centers, and up to 200 correctional field unit beds in both its northern and western administrative regions. The Department of Corrections shall report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by September 1, 1997, on the location and number of correctional field unit beds to be converted for this purpose. The Department shall complete this conversion not later than June 30, 1998.

E. Included in this appropriation is $2,620,713 the first year and $2,620,713 the second year from the general fund for three Diversion Incarceration Centers pursuant to § 53.1-67.7, Code of Virginia.