Item 179 (Not set out) | First Year - FY1997 | Second Year - FY1998 |
Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900) | $2,674,592 | $2,674,592 |
Food Services (80910) | FY1997 $576,939 | FY1998 $576,939 |
Bookstores and other Stores (80920) | FY1997 $574,797 | FY1998 $574,797 |
Residential Services (80930) | FY1997 $722,856 | FY1998 $722,856 |
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995) | FY1997 $800,000 | FY1998 $800,000 |
Fund Sources: | | |
Higher Education Operating | FY1997 $2,369,812 | FY1998 $2,369,812 |
Debt Service | FY1997 $304,780 | FY1998 $304,780 |
Authority: §§ 23-91.20 through 23-91.23, Code of Virginia.