1998 Session

Budget Bill - SB29 (Introduced)

Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

Item 14

Item 14 (Not set out)

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Legislative Evaluation and Review (78300)$2,470,136$2,642,322
Performance Audits and Evaluation (78303)FY1997 $2,470,136FY1998 $2,642,322
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $2,063,694FY1998 $2,282,880
Internal ServiceFY1997 $321,000FY1998 $274,000
Trust and AgencyFY1997 $85,442FY1998 $85,442

Authority: Title 30, Chapters 7 and 8, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of the amounts for Performance Audits and Evaluation shall be paid the annual salary of the Director, Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, $108,710 from July 1, 1996, to November 30, 1996, $113,439 from December 1, 1996, to November 24, 1997, and $117,977 from November 25, 1997, to June 30, 1998.

B. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall review the mission, organizational structure and operations of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, to determine the feasibility of consolidating law enforcement services in the two agencies, the feasibility of consolidating such other services in the two agencies or related agencies as the Commission may identify in its examination, and the feasibility of consolidating both agencies into a new wildlife and fisheries agency. The Commission shall report on its progress to the 1996 General Assembly and to each succeeding session until its work is completed. The review shall include, but not be limited to, an examination of the program and cost-efficiencies possible from such consolidation(s), the potential for redirecting financial savings from such consolidation(s) to other needs identified as high priorities by the agencies or their governing boards, and such existing or new funding sources that might be feasible to support such consolidation(s). The Auditor of Public Accounts shall provide such assistance in this review as may be requested.

C. Pursuant to House Joint Resolution 173, 1996 Regular Session, the Commission shall also examine: (1) the permit and other fee structures utilized by Natural Resources agencies, including a comparison of the Commonwealth's current fee structures with those in similar and neighboring states, and (2) the Commonwealth's progress towards meeting the commitments set forth in the 1992 revisions to the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement, for nutrient reductions. The Commission shall report on its progress to the 1997 General Assembly and to succeeding sessions until its work is completed.

D. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall review the mission, staffing, organizational structure, and operations of the Virginia Liaison Office. The Commission shall report its findings to the 1997 Session of the General Assembly.

E. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, upon request of the Department of Planning and Budget and approval of the Chairman, shall review and provide comments to the Department on its proposed use of performance measures in the State budget process. The Commission staff shall review the methodology and proposed uses of such performance measures, and provide periodic status reports to the Commission.

F. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall conduct a study of data processing services for state agencies and institutions, including the feasibility and advisability of privatizing the state data center located at the Department of Information Technology. As part of the study the Commission shall: 1) evaluate the effectiveness of statewide information technology planning and standards, including the mission and operations of the Council on Information Management; 2) assess the scope and utility of current data center services, including the feasibility of further consolidation of state data processing systems; 3) evaluate the effectiveness of using multiple main frame platforms; 4) determine the short- and long-term costs associated with privatization of the data center as well as continued operation by the state; 5) examine the various forms or levels of privatization which could be used; 6) assess the impact on agencies and institutions using DIT services; and 7) examine the methods for managing the risks associated with privatization of critical data processing systems. To complete its work, the Commission may employ any consulting services it deems necessary. Expenses for such services shall be funded from a separate appropriation for the Commission from the Computer Services Internal Services Fund, in the amount of $321,000 the first year and $174,000 the second year. In addition, the Commission shall include in its study an assessment of the current status of agency actions associated with computer hardware and software problems related to the year 2000. The Commission's assessment shall include, but not be limited to, an inventory of actions completed or in progress in each agency and institution of higher education, the cost of completing all necessary modifications to hardware and software, and potential mechanisms for funding the identified costs. To complete the assessment of year 2000 issues, a separate appropriation of $100,000 for the Commission shall be made from the Computer Services Internal Services Fund. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Commission in the completion of this study. The Commission shall make an interim report to the Governor and the General Assembly no later than January 1, 1997, and a final report no later than January 1, 1998.

G. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall conduct a follow-up study of its 1984 assessment of the secretarial system in the Commonwealth. The follow-up study shall include, but not be limited to, issues identified in the 1995 JLARC interim report on the Department of Environmental Quality on the role of cabinet secretaries in internal agency management and the structure and staffing of the current secretarial system. The Commission shall report its findings to the 1997 General Assembly.

H. Expenses associated with the oversight responsibility of the the Virginia Retirement System by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission and the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees shall be reimbursed by the Virginia Retirement System upon documentation by the Director of JLARC of the expenses incurred.

I. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall examine the fees, costs and revenues related to operation of the prison inmate telephone system. The review shall include, but not be limited to: (1) a comparison of policies in other states regarding cost of service, fees charged, and the use of revenues; (2) the financial impact on inmate families; and (3) the need for oversight by an entity independent of the Department of Corrections. The Commission shall report its findings to the 1997 General Assembly.

J. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall conduct a follow-up study of its 1990 report entitled, "The Regulation and Provision of Child Day Care in Virginia." The Commission's review shall examine: (1) the administration, management and funding of child day care by state government; (2) the revised licensing structure for child day care, including but not limited to proposed regulatory changes for child day care centers; (3) staffing for the child day care licensing program; and (4) regulatory approaches in other states. The Commission shall report on its findings and recommendations prior to September 1, 1997. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Commission and its staff in the completion of this review.

K. The study of the Comprehensive Services Act, pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 123 of the 1996 Session of the General Assembly, shall not include the development of a forecast model. The study shall include an evaluation of the Comprehensive Services Act, including: (1) an assessment of the management of the program at the state level; (2) an evaluation of the local implementation of the program; (3) an analysis of the local variation in caseloads and the unit costs of the program; and (4) an assessment of the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Services Act.

L. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) shall study the local effect of the Virginia Independence Program (VIP) and the Virginia Initiative for Employment, Not Welfare (VIEW) program to determine: (1) the status of a sample of families leaving the program before exhausting time limits for receiving assistance, and reasons for not remaining in the program; (2) the status and advancement of families leaving assistance; and (3) the status of a sample of families who have exhausted the time limits of eligibility for certain benefits and services. The study shall include information on the reliance of families on charitable organizations and other public programs. With appropriations provided from this item, JLARC may contract with a university or other organizations for assistance in conducting the study. JLARC shall submit a study plan and interim report to the 1998 General Assembly and a final report to the 1999 General Assembly.

M.1. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall review the organization, operation, and performance of the Department of Conservation and Recreation as well as the Department's compliance with its legislative mandate. This review shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) an examination of the Department's progress towards completing capital outlay and land acquisition projects authorized by the 1992 General Obligation Bond Referendum; (2) a review of the maintenance and staffing of state parks; (3) an examination of the Department's non-point pollution control programs; and (4) the organization and management of the Department, including the Department's ongoing reorganization, hiring practices and grant-making processes.

2. The Commission shall submit its report to the 1998 General Assembly. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate fully with the Commission and shall provide all information requested by the Commission and its staff. The Department of Conservation and Recreation shall also provide the Commission's staff with access to the Department's employees for confidential interviews, as deemed appropriate by the Commission and its staff.

N. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall study the operations of the Virginia Fair Housing Office, and make recommendations to the 1998 Session of the General Assembly regarding the appropriate allocation of resources, considering caseload, case processing time, office staffing, staff training and such other issues as may seem appropriate.

O. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall study the cost and benefit of reducing the tax rate, providing an employer tax credit, or similar financial incentives relating to payments into the Unemployment Trust Fund, established pursuant to § 60.2-500, et. seq., Code of Virginia, in the case of employers hiring Virginia Initiative for Employment, Not Welfare participants as specified in § 63.1-133.49. D.2., of the Code of Virginia.